Winter Emergency

Warm their hearts
There are millions of displaced families living in camps worldwide. For them, winter is a battlefield, and they’re ill-equipped. They live in tents that struggle to keep out the cold. They don’t have warm winter socks and boots to keep their feet warm. Families have to huddle together for warmth and comfort because they don’t have a heater or a fuel source.
Donate today. It’s a matter of survival.
There are millions of displaced families living in camps worldwide. For them, winter is a battlefield, and they’re ill-equipped. They live in tents that struggle to keep out the cold. They don’t have warm winter socks and boots to keep their feet warm. Families have to huddle together for warmth and comfort because they don’t have a heater or a fuel source.
Donate today. It’s a matter of survival.
There are millions of displaced families living in camps worldwide. For them, winter is a battlefield, and they’re ill-equipped. They live in tents that struggle to keep out the cold. They don’t have warm winter socks and boots to keep their feet warm. Families have to huddle together for warmth and comfort because they don’t have a heater or a fuel source.
Donate today. It’s a matter of survival.
There are millions of displaced families living in camps worldwide. For them, winter is a battlefield, and they’re ill-equipped. They live in tents that struggle to keep out the cold. They don’t have warm winter socks and boots to keep their feet warm. Families have to huddle together for warmth and comfort because they don’t have a heater or a fuel source.
Donate today. It’s a matter of survival.
Feed A Family
$60Provide a family with necessary food items for an entire month
Feed 3 Families
$180Provide 3 families with necessary food items for an entire month
Winter Kit
$200Provide a family with warm clothes, blankets, and heating fuel
Medical Aid
$500Provide a family with access to life-saving medical aid & procedures
It’s a matter of survival,
Winter is a difficult season for many people. Still, the cold weather can be especially harsh for Syrian refugees who have fled their homes due to conflict and violence. That’s why Human Concern International (HCI) has launched a winter relief campaign to provide much-needed aid to Syrian refugees in Turkey, Lebanon, and Syria.
HCI, a global humanitarian organization, is committed to providing relief and support to those affected by poverty, conflict, and disaster. Their winter relief campaign for Syrian refugees aims to provide essential items such as blankets, heaters, fuel, and winter clothing to those in need.
In Turkey, where there are over 3.5 million Syrian refugees, HCI distributes winter kits that include blankets, heaters, and winter clothing to families living in refugee camps and informal settlements. These kits will help protect families from cold temperatures and ensure they stay warm and healthy throughout winter.
In Lebanon, where there are over 1 million Syrian refugees, HCI provides fuel vouchers to help families heat their homes and stay warm during the cold winter months. This assistance is critical, as many refugees in Lebanon live in makeshift shelters that are not equipped to handle the cold temperatures.
In Syria, where the ongoing conflict has displaced millions of people, HCI provides winter kits that include blankets, heaters, and winter clothing to families living in camps and communities affected by the conflict. The winter relief campaign also provides food and hygiene kits to help families meet their basic needs.
HCI’s winter relief efforts are crucial for Syrian refugees struggling to survive amid a harsh winter. By providing essential items such as blankets, heaters, and winter clothing, HCI is helping families stay warm and healthy and easing the burden of winter on those who have already experienced so much hardship.
Your contribution will help provide critical assistance to those in need and make a meaningful difference in the lives of the less fortunate.